REST api

You can download a plugin showcasing the topic here.
We use for the documentation of our B2B-Suite endpoints. The created swagger.json file can be displayed with swagger ui.


The B2B-Suite comes with its own extension to the REST-API. Contrary to Shopwares own implementation that makes heavy use of the Doctrine ORM the B2B-Suite reuses the same services defined for the Storefront and therefore provides a controller format that is more reminiscent of Symfony 2.

A Simple Example

A REST-API Controller is just a plain old PHP-Class, registered to the DIC. An action is a public method suffixed with Action. It always gets called with the request implementation derived from Shopwares default \Enlight_Controller_Request_Request as a parameter.


namespace My\Namespace;

class MyApiController
    public function helloAction(\Shopware\B2B\Common\MvcExtension\Request $request)
        return ['message' => 'hello']; // will automatically be converted to JSON

Adding the route

Contrary to the default Shopware API, the B2B API provides deeply nested routes. All routes can be found in If you want to register your own routes you have to add a RouteProvider to the routing service.

First we create the routing provider containing all routing information. Routes themselves are defined as simple arrays, just like this:


namespace My\Namespace\DependencyInjection;

use Shopware\B2B\Common\Routing\RouteProvider;

class MyApiRouteProvider implements RouteProvider

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getRoutes(): array
        return [
                'GET', // the HTTP method
                '/my/hello', // the subroute will be concatenated to
                'my.api_controller', // DIC controller id
                'hello' // action method name

Now the route provider and the controller are registered to the DIC.

        <service id="my.controller" class="My\Namespace\MyApiController"/>

        <service id="my.api_route_provider" class="My\Namespace\DependencyInjection\MyApiRouteProvider">
            <tag name="b2b_common.rest_route_provider"/>

Notice that the route provider is tagged as a b2b_common.rest_route_provider, this tag triggers that the route is registered.

Complex routes

The used route parser is FastRoute which supports more powerful features that can also be used by the B2B API. Please take a look at the linked documentation to learn more about placeholders and placeholder parsing.

If you want to use parameters, you have to define an order in which the parameters should be passed to the action:

    'GET', // the HTTP method
    '/my/hello/{name}', // the subroute will be concatenated to
    'my.api_controller', // DIC controller id
    'hello' // action method name,
    ['name'] // define name as first argument

And now you can use the placeholders value as a parameter:


    public function helloAction(string $name, \Shopware\B2B\Common\MvcExtension\Request $request)
        return ['message' => 'hello' . $name]; // will automatically be converted to JSON
