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REST API - Address resource


In this part of the documentation you can learn more about the API's address resource. With this resource, it is possible to retrieve, update and delete any customer address of your shop. We will also have a look at the associated data structures.

General Information

This resource supports the following operations:

/api/addresses Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No

If you want to access this resource, simply query the following URL:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/addresses


Required Parameters

Single address details can be retrieved via the address ID:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/address/id

Return Value

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Customer\Address s_user_addresses
Field Type Original Object
id integer (primary key)
customer integer (primary key) Customer
company string
department string
salutation string
firstname string
lastname string
street string
zipcode string
city string
phone string
vatId string
additionalAddressLine1 string
additionalAddressLine2 string
country int (foreign key) Country
state int (foreign key)
attribute array

GET (List)

For this operation, no parameters are required. To get a list of all addresses, simply query:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/addresses
Model Table
Shopware\Models\Customer\Address s_user_addresses

This API call returns an array of elements, one for each address. Each of these elements has the same structure as a single element from above, but without the detailed customer data.

Appended to the above mentioned list, you will also find the following data:

Field Type Comment
total integer The total number of address resources
success boolean Indicates if the call was successful or not.

POST (create) and PUT (update)

POST and PUT operations support the following data structure:

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Customer\Address s_user_addresses
Field Type Comment
id integer (primary key) If null, a new entity will be created
customer (required) integer (foreign key)
company string
department string
salutation (required) string
firstname (required) string
lastname (required) string
street (required) string
zipcode (required) string
city (required) string
phone string
vatId string
additionalAddressLine1 string
additionalAddressLine2 string
country (required) int (foreign key) Country
state int (foreign key)
attribute array

PUT (update)

Note: Changing a customer id on addresses is not supported, you can leave the customer id out of the request, or just set the same customer id which owns the address.


To delete an address, simply call the specified resource with the DELETE operation as the following example shows:

  • (DELETE) http://my-shop-url/api/addresses/id

Replace the id with the specific address id.
