REST API - Examples using customer streams


In this article, you will find examples which demonstrate how to create, delete, get and index Customer Streams and how to rebuild the search index. For each scenario, we provide an example of the data that you are expected to provide to the API, as well as an example response. Please read the page covering the REST API Basics if you haven't yet.

Build Search Index

To assure high performance, even when working with large data sets, all customer must be indexed regularly. The index is basically a cache which contains all information which are needed for the Customer Stream module.

Available arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
buildSearchIndex boolean Yes Search index will be (re)build if set to true

Example code:

POST /api/customer_streams
  "buildSearchIndex": true

Example output:

    "success": true

Create a new customer stream

There are two types of Customer Streams in Shopware.:

  • Dynamic: Is defined by a set of conditions which are chained via AND. All customer which match all of these conditions will be added to the stream if they are a) already analysed and b) if the stream has been index.

  • Static: Is defined manually, which means that you assign customer ids to the stream. Static streams will only change if you remove or add customers.

Dynamic streams

Define a new dynamic stream.

Available arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the Customer Stream
static boolean Yes Stream type (true=static stream/false=dynamic stream)
description string Description of the Customer Stream
conditions string Yes List of conditions (be aware of the format and escaping)
indexStream boolean Stream will be index if set to true

Example code:

POST /api/customer_streams
    "name": "Dynamic api stream",
    "static": false,
    "description": "Stream created over the api which will be indexed immediately",
    "conditions": "{\"Shopware\\\\Bundle\\\\CustomerSearchBundle\\\\Condition\\\\HasOrderCountCondition\":{\"operator\":\"=\",\"minimumOrderCount\":1}}",
    "indexStream": true

Example output:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 9,
        "location": "http://localhost/53/api/customer_streams/9"

Static streams

Define a new static stream and assign customers to it.

Available arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the Customer Stream
static boolean Yes Stream type (true=static stream/false=dynamic stream)
description string Description of the Customer Stream
customers int array List of customer which will be assigned to the stream
freezeUp string Date/Time until the stream is static (will be processed by DateTime). Here is a list of supported formats.

Example code:

POST /api/customer_streams
    "name": "Static api stream",
    "static": true,
    "description": "Static stream created over the api",
    "customers": [

Example output:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 5,
        "location": "http://localhost/53/api/customer_streams/5"

(Re)Index an existing stream

Available arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
id integer Yes ID of the Customer Stream
indexStream boolean Stream will be reindex if set to true (only works with dynamic streams)

Example code:

PUT /api/customer_streams/42
  "indexStream": true

Example output:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "location": "http://localhost/53/api/customer_streams/1"

Get information about an existing stream

List customers which are assigned to a given stream id. You can add additional conditions or sorting. You can also define an offset/limit to process the stream in chunks.

Available arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
id integer Yes ID of the Customer Stream
offset integer Offset (ideal for batch processing, when working with large data sets)
limit integer Maximum number of returned data sets
conditions string array Additional conditions
sortings string array Sorting handler which will be applied to the result set

Example code:

GET /api/customer_streams/6
    "conditions": "{\"Shopware\\\\Bundle\\\\CustomerSearchBundle\\\\Condition\\\\HasOrderCountCondition\":{\"operator\":\"=>\",\"minimumOrderCount\":1}}",
    "sortings": "{\"Shopware\\\\Bundle\\\\CustomerSearchBundle\\\\Sorting\\\\NumberSorting\":{\"direction\":\"DESC\"}}"

Example output:

    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "number": "20001",
            "email": "",
            "attributes": {
                "search": {
                    "id": "1",
                    "customernumber": "20001",
                    "email": ""
            "id": 2,
            "number": "20003",
            "email": "",
            "attributes": {
                "search": {
                    "id": "2",
                    "customernumber": "20003",
                    "email": ""
    "total": 2,
    "success": true

Get a list of all streams

List all streams and their attributes.

Example code:

GET /api/customer_streams

Example output:

    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Example stream",
            "description": "Example description",
            "conditions": "{\"Shopware\\\\Bundle\\\\CustomerSearchBundle\\\\Condition\\\\HasTotalOrderAmountCondition\":{\"operator\":\">=\",\"minimumOrderAmount\":150}}",
            "static": false,
            "freezeUp": null,
            "attribute": null,
            "customer_count": "2",
            "newsletter_count": "0"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Static stream example",
            "description": "Example description",
            "conditions": "{\"Shopware\\\\Bundle\\\\CustomerSearchBundle\\\\Condition\\\\HasOrderCountCondition\":{\"operator\":\"=\",\"minimumOrderCount\":1}}",
            "static": true,
            "freezeUp": "2017-08-24T07:45:00+0200",
            "attribute": null,
            "customer_count": "1",
            "newsletter_count": "0"
    "total": 2,
    "success": true