REST API - Shop resource


In this part of the documentation you can learn more about the API's shops resource. With this resource, it is possible to retrieve, delete and update any shop in your system. We will also have a look at the associated data structures.

General Information

This resource supports the following operations:

/api/shops Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No

If you want to access this resource, simply query the following URL:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/shops


You can retrieve data of a shop by providing the specific id

  • http://my-shop-url/api/shops/id

Return Value

Field Type Original object
id integer (primary key)
mainId integer (foreign key) Shop
categoryId integer (foreign key) Category
name string
title string
position integer
host string
basePath string
baseUrl string
hosts string
secure boolean
alwaysSecure boolean
secureHost string
secureBasePath string
default boolean
active boolean
customerScope boolean
currency object Currency

GET (List)

To get more than one shop at once, simply remove the id parameter from the request URL.

  • http://my-shop-url/api/shops/
Field Type Original object
id integer (primary key)
mainId integer (foreign key) Shop
categoryId integer (foreign key) Category
name string
title string
position integer
host string
basePath string
baseUrl string
hosts string
secure boolean
alwaysSecure boolean
secureHost string
secureBasePath string
default boolean
active boolean
customerScope boolean

Since this returns a list, the following fields will be added to the array:

Field Type Comment
total integer The total number of shop resources
success boolean Indicates if the call was successful or not.

POST (create) and PUT (update)

You can post or put data by sending the following data to this URL:

  • (POST or PUT) http://my-shop-url/api/shops/id
Field Type Original Object
name string
categoryId integer
localeId integer
currencyId integer
customerGroupId integer


To delete a shop, simply call this URL with the DELETE request:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/shops/id

Replace the id with the specific shop id.
