

The Currency component provides the means for currency calculation in the B2B-Suite. The following graph shows components depending on this component:


The Context

The Currency component provides an additional Context object (\Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyContext) containing a currency factor. You can retrieve the default context which always contains the currently selected currency factor through the \Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyService.

use Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyContext;
use Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyService;

class TestController
     * @var CurrencyService
    private $currencyService;

     * @param CurrencyService $currencyService
    public function __construct(
        CurrencyService $currencyService
    ) {
        $this->currencyService = $currencyService;

      * @return array
    public function testAction(): array
        $currencyContext = $this->currencyService

This way you can either store the currency factor with a newly provided amount or retrieve recalculated data from your repository.

The Entity

All recalculatable entities must implement the interface \Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyAware.

use Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyAware;

class MyEntity implements CurrencyAware
     * @var float
    public $amount1;

     * @var float
    public $amount2;

     * @var float
    private $factor;

     * @return float
    public function getCurrencyFactor(): float
        return $this->factor;

     * @param float $factor
     * @return float
    public function setCurrencyFactor(float $factor)
        $this->factor = $factor;

     * @return string[]
    public function getAmountPropertyNames(): array
        return [

Which provides the means to access the currency data.

The Repository

The Repository has to guarantees that every entity retrieved from storage has valid and if necessary recalculated money values. The Currency component provides \Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyCalculator to help with this promise. So a typical repository looks like this:

use \Shopware\B2B\Currency\Framework\CurrencyCalculator; class Repository { /** * @var CurrencyCalculator */ private $currencyCalculator; /** * [...] * @param CurrencyCalculator $currencyCalculator */ public function __construct( [...] CurrencyCalculator $currencyCalculator $calculator ) { $this-currencyCalculator = $calculator; } }

Calculating in PHP (prefered)

To recalculate an entity amount the calculator provides two convenient functions.

recalculateAmount for a single entity:

     * [...]
     * @param CurrencyContext $currencyContext
     * @return CurrencyAware
    public function fetchOneById(int $id, CurrencyContext $currencyContext): CurrencyAware
        [...] // load entity from Database

        $this->currencyCalculator->recalculateAmount($entity, $currencyContext);

        return $entity;

And recalculateAmounts to recalculate an array of entities:

         * [...]
         * @param CurrencyContext $currencyContext
         * @return CurrencyAware[]
        public function fetchList([...], CurrencyContext $currencyContext): array
            [...] // load entities from Database

            //recalculate with current amount
            $this>currencyCalculator->recalculateAmounts($entities, $currencyContext);

            return $entities;

Calculating in SQL

Although calculation in PHP is the preferred way, it may sometimes be necessary to recalculate the amounts in SQL. This is the case if you for example use a GROUP BY statement and try to create a sum. For this case the Currency component creates a SQL calculation snippet.

So if your original snippet looked like this:

/** * @param int $budgetId * @return float */ public function fetchAmount(int $budgetId): float { return (float) $this-connection->fetchColumn( 'SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum_amount FROM b2b_budget_transaction WHERE budget_id=:budgetId', ['budgetId' => $budgetId] ) }

It really should look like this:

     * @param int $budgetId
     * @param CurrencyContext $currencyContext
     * @return float
    public function fetchAmount(int $budgetId, CurrencyContext $currencyContext): float
        $transactionSnippet = $this->currencyCalculator
            ->getSqlCalculationPart('amount', 'currency_factor', $currencyContext);

        return (float) $this-connection->fetchColumn(
            'SELECT SUM(' . $transactionSnippet . ') AS sum_amount FROM b2b_budget_transaction WHERE budget_id=:budgetId',
            ['budgetId' => $budgetId]