System architecture


The B2B-Suite is a collection of loosely coupled mostly uniform components packaged with a small example plugin and a common library.

Component layering

A single component with all layers and the maximum of allowed dependencies looks like this:


The responsibilities from bottom to top:

Layer Description
Shop-Bridge Bridges the broad Shopware interfaces to the specific framework requirements



  • Implements interfaces provided by the framework
  • Subscribes to shopware events and calls framework services
  • <

    ul> Framework | Contains the B2B specific Domain Requirements

    • CRUD and assignment service logic
    • The specific use cases of the component

    REST-API | REST access to the services Frontend | Controller as a service for frontend access B2B-Plugin | Store front access to the services

    Please notice: Apart from framework all other layers and dependencies are optional.

    Component dependencies

    At the time of this writing there are 18 different components, all build with the same structure. We sorted these components into four different complexes:

    Common - The one Exception

    There is a small library of shared functionality. It contains a few commonly used technical implementations that are shared between most components like exception classes, repository helpers, a dependency manager, or a REST-API router.


    The user management is based on the StoreFrontAuthentication component and then provides Contact and Debtor entities which have Addresses and Roles. These entities are mostly informational and CRUD based. Other parts of the system only depend on the StoreFrontAuthentication component but not the specific implementations as debtor or contact.



    The Acl implementation is connected to most other entities provided by the B2B-Suite.


    Order and Contingent Management

    ContingentGroupss are connected to Debtors and can have Acl settings based on Roles or Contacts. Orders are personalized through the StoreFrontAuthentication.


    The whole picture

    Most dependencies are directly derived from requirements. So, the dependency flow of the components should follow the basic business needs. There are a few exception, mainly the M:N assignment components each representing a reset in complexity where a complex feature just resolves itself into a context object for another use case. You can think of it like that.

    • A Debtor has can be created and updated through a service => The debtor is an entity
    • A Debtor may be an entity connected to many workflows by it's id => The Debtor is just the context

    So - for the sake of completeness - this is the whole picture:


    Everything you should get from that is, that there is a left to right propagation of dependencies. The components on the left side can be used and even useful entirely without the components on the right side.
