Using Composer to install Shopware

IntroductionAnchor link for: introduction

Starting with v5.4 Shopware supports installing a shop as a Composer dependency out of the box. This helps you to professionalize development and deployments of Shopware shops by providing a reliable versioning of Shopware itself and all the plugins required by your project.

What is ComposerAnchor link for: what is composer

Composer defines itself as "[...] a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you" (Composer website).

Composer is the de-facto-standard for dependency management in the PHP community. You can think of it as the apt/yum/npm/brew of the PHP world.

How to startAnchor link for: how to start

To create a new Shopware project with Shopware as a dependency, all you need to do is install Composer (download it here if you haven't yet) and run

composer create-project shopware/composer-project my_project_name --no-interaction --stability=dev

This will clone the project repository with all necessary dependencies (including the latest released Shopware version) into a new directory my_project_name. Shopware itself will be deployed under vendor/shopware/shopware like any other dependency you might require later on.

Configuring ShopwareAnchor link for: configuring shopware

The Composer Shopware project template relies on environment variables to configure your Shopware project. You can either set those directly (this is recommended on production environments e.g. to not store credentials on disk) or using a .env file in the project root. To see which variables are supported, have a look at the .env.example file.

You can also have a .env file created for you! Simply run ./app/bin/ inside your new project directory to have a little installer-script ask you all necessary information.

If you need to configure other values in the config.php (e.g. the error or session handler), you can find the file in the app/config/ directory.

Requiring pluginsAnchor link for: requiring plugins

Given you want to require the SwagMediaSftp-plugin, all you need to do is run

composer require shopwarelabs/swag-media-sftp:1.0.1

This will add the plugin to your composer.json, download it and install it into the appropriate folder custom/plugins. All you need to do afterwards is install and enable it in the Shopware backend.

Composer knows where to install the plugin to because of the type defined in the composer.json of this plugin. For a complete list of available types, see Composer Installers.

Project specific pluginsAnchor link for: project specific plugins

The path custom/plugins and all the old plugin directories were added to the .gitignore file to prevent plugins required via Composer from being version controlled in the new project repository as well. We recommend to use Github or some on-premise Git hosting solution to share plugins you use in more than one Shopware project between those shops. You can then require those plugins in any of your shops using a Composer command like the one above.

In case you want to create a project specific plugin which doesn't need to be shared, you can install it into the custom/project directory. This directory is equivalent to custom/plugins, the only difference is that plugins added here are version controlled together with the project. There is no equivalent alternative to the old-style plugin directories, only 5.2 project specific plugins are supported out of the box. Of course you can modify your .gitignore- file, but in that case you should add all plugins you might require via Composer into it.

Upgrading ShopwareAnchor link for: upgrading shopware

Update the version number of shopware/shopware in the composer.json, e.g. from 5.4.0 to 5.4.1 after this version has been released:

    "require": {
        "shopware/shopware": "5.4.1",

Then run composer update shopware/shopware to have Composer update the installed version of Shopware to the new version. Do not forget to commit the new composer.lock file to your project afterwards.

Currently every composer update triggers a bin/console sw:migration:migrate since it would be possible that Shopware itself got updated and need a new schema version to run properly. If you want to disable this behaviour you can remove the post-update-cmd hook in the composer.json or modify the app/ according to your needs.

Though it is possible to define a more lax version constraint of a dependency in the `composer.json` (e.e.g `@stable` to get the latest release or `^5.4` to get the latest release of the 5.4 minor version, [see Composer documentation]( for details) it is nevertheless recommended to define a specific, fixed version to not update by accident.

Upgrading pluginsAnchor link for: upgrading plugins

Upgrade project specific pluginsAnchor link for: upgrade project specific plugins

As the code of project specific plugins (under /custom/project/) are part of your projects repository, these plugins will always have the version that was committed with the version of your project you have checked out currently.

Upgrade required, external pluginsAnchor link for: upgrade required, external plugins

If you want to upgrade (or downgrade) a plugin you required as described in Requiring plugins you can do it the same way you upgrade Shopware itself: You change the version number specified in the composer.json and do a composer update afterwards.

If for example the plugin shopwarelabs/swag-media-sftp was to release a version 1.1.0 you would change this version in the composer.json:

    "require": {
        "shopwarelabs/swag-media-sftp": "1.1.0",

Afterwards you run composer update shopwarelabs/swag-media-sftp to have Composer check for the new version and commit the updated composer.lock file to your version control software.

Please be aware that this only updates the source code of the plugins, it does not run any update-handlers this plugin might contain (e.g. to upgrade some plugin-specific tables).

To let the plugin update itself, it is a good practice to run the following command to let the plugin update it's own internal state to the new version:

bin/console sw:plugin:update <plugin-name>