This article describes how to extend the REST API and create an API endpoint. We create an example plugin which provides functions for managing banners.
Normally every basic API resource contains of two parts: * a controller which handles the different request types(POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) * the actual resource that takes care of the CRUD operations
For our REST API example we only need a few files. For more information about necessary files and the 5.2 plugin system see the 5.2 plugin guide.
namespace SwagBannerApi;
use Shopware\Components\Plugin;
class SwagBannerApi extends Plugin
* @inheritdoc
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'Enlight_Controller_Dispatcher_ControllerPath_Api_Banner' => 'onGetBannerApiController',
'Enlight_Controller_Front_StartDispatch' => 'onEnlightControllerFrontStartDispatch'
* @return string
public function onGetBannerApiController()
return $this->getPath() . '/Controllers/Api/Banner.php';
public function onEnlightControllerFrontStartDispatch()
$this->container->get('loader')->registerNamespace('Shopware\Components', $this->getPath() . '/Components/');
This is our plugin bootstrap which subscribes to two events.
For the one thing it uses the Enlight_Controller_Dispatcher_ControllerPath_Api
event to register the API controller
and for the other thing it uses the Enlight_Controller_Front_StartDispatch
event to register an additional namespace for our plugin.
We do that, because then the API manager class can load our resource with \Shopware\Components\Api\Manager::getResource('Banner')
Since Shopware 5.2.17
, both parts are not necessary anymore.
You can simply use the services.xml file to register new resources to Shopware.
<!-- Register new resource as service -->
<service id="shopware.api.example" class="SwagBannerApi\Components\Api\Resource\Example"/>
The API controller will be found via auto-registration. Please refer to the Controllers chapter for further information about the controller naming convention.
You even have the possibility to decorate existing resources. For more information about that, have a look here: Extend API resource
The resource gets called by our controller. Every controller action relies on one method of our resource. * indexAction -> getList() -> returns a list of banners * getAction -> getOne() -> returns one banner identified by its id * putAction -> update() -> updates one banner identified by its id * postAction -> create() -> creates a new banner * deleteAction -> delete() -> deletes a banner
We recommend using doctrine models in the resource,
because it allows you to use the fromArray()
method in the create()
and update()
method to write the data directly.
searches for the setter methods of the attributes and saves the values to the variables which saves you time and code.
namespace Shopware\Components\Api\Resource;
use Shopware\Components\Api\Exception as ApiException;
use Shopware\Models\Banner\Banner as BannerModel;
* Class Banner
* @package Shopware\Components\Api\Resource
class Banner extends Resource
* @return \Shopware\Models\Banner\Repository
public function getRepository()
return $this->getManager()->getRepository(BannerModel::class);
* Create new Banner
* @param array $params
* @return BannerModel
* @throws ApiException\ValidationException
public function create(array $params)
/** @var BannerModel $banner */
$banner = new BannerModel();
$violations = $this->getManager()->validate($banner);
* Handle Violation Errors
if ($violations->count() > 0) {
throw new ApiException\ValidationException($violations);
return $banner;
* @param int $offset
* @param int $limit
* @param array $criteria
* @param array $orderBy
* @return array
public function getList($offset = 0, $limit = 25, array $criteria = [], array $orderBy = [])
$builder = $this->getRepository()->createQueryBuilder('banner');
$query = $builder->getQuery();
$paginator = $this->getManager()->createPaginator($query);
//returns the total count of the query
$totalResult = $paginator->count();
//returns the Banner data
$banner = $paginator->getIterator()->getArrayCopy();
return ['data' => $banner, 'total' => $totalResult];
* Delete Existing Banner
* @param $id
* @return null|object
* @throws ApiException\NotFoundException
* @throws ApiException\ParameterMissingException
public function delete($id)
if (empty($id)) {
throw new ApiException\ParameterMissingException();
$banner = $this->getRepository()->find($id);
if (!$banner) {
throw new ApiException\NotFoundException("Banner by id $id not found");
* Get One Banner Information
* @param $id
* @return mixed
* @throws ApiException\NotFoundException
* @throws ApiException\ParameterMissingException
public function getOne($id)
if (empty($id)) {
throw new ApiException\ParameterMissingException();
$builder = $this->getRepository()
->where(' = ?1')
->setParameter(1, $id);
/** @var BannerModel $banner */
$banner = $builder->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult($this->getResultMode());
if (!$banner) {
throw new ApiException\NotFoundException("Banner by id $id not found");
return $banner;
* @param $id
* @param array $params
* @return null|object
* @throws ApiException\ValidationException
* @throws ApiException\NotFoundException
* @throws ApiException\ParameterMissingException
public function update($id, array $params)
if (empty($id)) {
throw new ApiException\ParameterMissingException();
/** @var $banner BannerModel */
$builder = $this->getRepository()
->where(' = ?1')
->setParameter(1, $id);
/** @var BannerModel $banner */
$banner = $builder->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult(self::HYDRATE_OBJECT);
if (!$banner) {
throw new ApiException\NotFoundException("Banner by id $id not found");
$violations = $this->getManager()->validate($banner);
if ($violations->count() > 0) {
throw new ApiException\ValidationException($violations);
return $banner;
The controller handles all requests to our REST API endpoint. Authorisation and routing is managed by the Shopware REST API.
You should name your actions after this schema:
Action name | Request type | parameter |
indexAction | get request | no |
getAction | get request | id |
batchAction | put request | no |
putAction | put request | id |
postAction | post request | data fields |
batchDeleteAction | delete request | no |
deleteAction | delete request | id |
* Class Shopware_Controllers_Api_Banner
class Shopware_Controllers_Api_Banner extends Shopware_Controllers_Api_Rest
* @var Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Banner
protected $resource = null;
public function init()
$this->resource = \Shopware\Components\Api\Manager::getResource('Banner');
* GET Request on /api/Banner
public function indexAction()
$limit = $this->Request()->getParam('limit', 1000);
$offset = $this->Request()->getParam('start', 0);
$sort = $this->Request()->getParam('sort', []);
$filter = $this->Request()->getParam('filter', []);
$result = $this->resource->getList($offset, $limit, $filter, $sort);
$this->View()->assign(['success' => true, 'data' => $result]);
* Create new Banner
* POST /api/Banner
public function postAction()
$banner = $this->resource->create($this->Request()->getPost());
$location = $this->apiBaseUrl . 'Banner/' . $banner->getId();
$data = [
'id' => $banner->getId(),
'location' => $location,
$this->View()->assign(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
$this->Response()->setHeader('Location', $location);
* Get one Banner
* GET /api/Banner/{id}
public function getAction()
$id = $this->Request()->getParam('id');
/** @var \Shopware\Models\Banner\Banner $banner */
$banner = $this->resource->getOne($id);
$this->View()->assign(['success' => true, 'data' => $banner]);
* Update One Banner
* PUT /api/Banner/{id}
public function putAction()
$bannerId = $this->Request()->getParam('id');
$params = $this->Request()->getPost();
/** @var \Shopware\Models\Banner\Banner $banner */
$banner = $this->resource->update($bannerId, $params);
$location = $this->apiBaseUrl . 'Banner/' . $bannerId;
$data = [
'id' => $banner->getId(),
'location' => $location
$this->View()->assign(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
* Delete One Banner
* DELETE /api/Banner/{id}
public function deleteAction()
$bannerId = $this->Request()->getParam('id');
$this->View()->assign(['success' => true]);
This resource supports the following operations:
Access URL | GET | GET (List) | PUT | PUT (Batch) | POST | DELETE | DELETE (Batch) |
/api/banner | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
If you want to access this resource, simply query the following URL: * http://my-shop-url/api/banner
Getting one banner by its id.
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 1,
"description": "Shopware-Example-Banner1",
"validFrom": null,
"validTo": null,
"image": "media/image/41/f8/25/Blog-Koffer.jpg",
"link": "",
"linkTarget": "_blank",
"categoryId": 3,
"extension": "jpg"
Get a list of banners. With the optional limit
parameter, it is possible to specify how many banner you want the API to return.
"success": true,
"data": {
"data": [
"id": 4,
"description": "Shopware-Example-Banner1",
"validFrom": null,
"validTo": null,
"image": "media/image/41/f8/25/Blog-Koffer.jpg",
"link": "",
"linkTarget": "_blank",
"categoryId": 3,
"extension": "jpg"
"id": 5,
"description": "Shopware-Example-Banner2",
"validFrom": null,
"validTo": null,
"image": "media/image/41/f8/25/Blog-Koffer.jpg",
"link": "",
"linkTarget": "_blank",
"categoryId": 3,
"extension": "jpg"
"id": 6,
"description": "Shopware-Example-Banner3",
"validFrom": null,
"validTo": null,
"image": "media/image/41/f8/25/Blog-Koffer.jpg",
"link": "",
"linkTarget": "_blank",
"categoryId": 3,
"extension": "jpg"
"total": 3
To update a banner it is always required to provide the id of the banner.
In this example, we will update the description
of the banner with id 1.
"description": "New description"
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 5,
"location": "http://my-shop-url/api/Banner/5"
Create a new banner
"description": "Shopware-Example-Banner1",
"image": "media\/image\/41\/f8\/25\/Blog-Koffer.jpg",
"link": "",
"linkTarget": "_blank",
"categoryId": "3"
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 4,
"location": "http://my-shop-url/api/Banner/4"
Delete one banner identified by its id. In this case we delete the banner with id 1.
"success": true
The whole plugin can be downloaded here.