In this article you can read more about using the order resource. The following part will show you examples including provided data and data you need to provide if you want to use this resource. Please read the page covering the order API resource if you did not yet, to get more information about the order resource and the data it provides.
This example shows you how to get all orders of the shop. You may also limit the result count by providing a limit parameter.
To load a specific order, you have to provide either the identifier or the number of the order.
"articleName":"ESD Download Artikel",
"articleName":"Zuschlag f\u00fcr Zahlungsart",
"additionalDescription":"Sie zahlen einfach und bequem auf Rechnung. Shopware bietet z.B. auch die M\u00f6glichkeit, Rechnung automatisiert erst ab der 2. Bestellung f\u00fcr Kunden zur Verf\u00fcgung zu stellen, um Zahlungsausf\u00e4lle zu vermeiden.",
"street":"Musterweg 55",
"phone":"012345 \/ 6789",
"street":"Musterweg 55",
"name":"Standard Versand",
Currently, it's only possible to update the following fields of an order:
This example shows you how to update those fields, dates should be encoded according to the ISO 8601 standard:
"paymentStatusId": 10,
"orderStatusId": 8,
"trackingCode": "237948723894789234",
"comment": "Neuer Kommentar",
"transactionId": "0",
"clearedDate": "2019-10-18T17:58:17+0000"
"id": 2,
"location": ""
This example shows you how to create an order. Currently all referenced entities like customers need to be referenced by their id, no creation of sub-entities is currently done.
If some field is missing from the request or some id provided does not exist, an exception is returned accordingly.
"customerId": 1,
"paymentId": 4,
"dispatchId": 9,
"partnerId": "",
"shopId": 1,
"invoiceAmount": 201.86,
"invoiceAmountNet": 169.63,
"invoiceShipping": 0,
"invoiceShippingNet": 0,
"orderTime": "2012-08-31 08:51:46",
"net": 0,
"taxFree": 0,
"languageIso": "1",
"currency": "EUR",
"currencyFactor": 1,
"remoteAddress": "",
"details": [
"articleId": 220,
"taxId": 1,
"taxRate": 19,
"statusId": 0,
"articleNumber": "SW10001",
"price": 35.99,
"quantity": 1,
"articleName": "Versandkostenfreier Artikel",
"shipped": 0,
"shippedGroup": 0,
"mode": 0,
"esdArticle": 0
"articleId": 219,
"taxId": 1,
"taxRate": 19,
"statusId": 0,
"articleNumber": "SW10185",
"price": 54.9,
"quantity": 1,
"articleName": "Express Versand",
"shipped": 0,
"shippedGroup": 0,
"mode": 0,
"esdArticle": 0
"articleId": 197,
"taxId": 1,
"taxRate": 19,
"statusId": 0,
"articleNumber": "SW10196",
"price": 34.99,
"quantity": 2,
"articleName": "ESD Download Artikel",
"shipped": 0,
"shippedGroup": 0,
"mode": 0,
"esdArticle": 1
"documents": [],
"billing": {
"id": 2,
"customerId": 1,
"countryId": 2,
"stateId": 3,
"company": "shopware AG",
"salutation": "mr",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"street": "Mustermannstra\\u00dfe 92",
"zipCode": "48624",
"city": "Sch\\u00f6ppingen"
"shipping": {
"id": 2,
"countryId": 2,
"stateId": 3,
"customerId": 1,
"company": "shopware AG",
"salutation": "mr",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"street": "Mustermannstra\\u00dfe 92",
"zipCode": "48624",
"city": "Sch\\u00f6ppingen"
"paymentStatusId": 17,
"orderStatusId": 0
"id": 60,
"location": ""
Anchor link for: filter by paymentstatusidorderStatusId
Anchor link for: filter by orderstatusidclearedDate
Anchor link for: filter by cleareddate{
"paymentStatusId": 12,
"clearedDate": "2012-10-17"
as identifierAnchor link for: change status using the ordernumber as identifier{
"paymentStatusId": 12,
"clearedDate": "2012-10-17"