REST API - User resource


This chapter of the documentation is about the API's user resource. With this resource, it's possible to retrieve, update, create and delete backend user of your shop.

The /users endpoint was introduced with Shopware 5.3.5 and is not available for older versions.

For each scenario, we provide an example of the data which is required, as well as an exemplary response. Please read the page covering the REST API Basics if you haven't yet.

Get a list of users

If you want to get multiple user at once, you can call the /users endpoint.

Available arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
limit int Max. number of returned data sets
start int Offset (ideal for batch processing, when working with large data sets)
sort string array ORDER BY clause
filter string array Filter properties by expressions

Example code:

GET /api/users
    "limit": 10,
    "start": 1,
    "sort": [
            "property": "username",
            "direction": "DESC"

Example output:

    "total": 2,
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "roleId": 1,
            "localeId": 1,
            "username": "demo",
            "password": "$2y$10$d7s.jETNFL1lZL3OzY7PneVWGk16aRZR9iuGyGHnw3X5EzssJ304W",
            "encoder": "bcrypt",
            "apiKey": "DaxN5BdfmcyglZMEwopy8Z46yADINhqViztSfcvI",
            "sessionId": "f0ga0998i8b86aaahfjhjva760",
            "lastLogin": "2017-11-01T11:10:24+0100",
            "name": "Demo user",
            "email": "",
            "active": 1,
            "failedLogins": 0,
            "lockedUntil": "2010-01-01T00:00:00+0100",
            "extendedEditor": false,
            "disabledCache": false
            "id": 2,
            "roleId": 6,
            "localeId": 1,
            "username": "test",
            "password": "$2y$10$SuT6CVqrHsnZbG29kqsVq.DYXhx.JbF4X13bLlkxOb9dl/a4OIQym",
            "encoder": "bcrypt",
            "apiKey": "ohwrzHP70iwUkBdzPEx6iUfSc3sLrHZ7678dy3Ie",
            "sessionId": "",
            "lastLogin": "2017-11-01T10:48:41+0100",
            "name": "asdasd",
            "email": "",
            "active": 1,
            "failedLogins": 0,
            "lockedUntil": "2017-11-01T10:48:41+0100",
            "extendedEditor": false,
            "disabledCache": false
    "success": true

Attention: The properties apiKey, sessionId and password are missing, if the API user neither has the "update" nor the "create" privilege.

Get one user

If you want to get detailed information about a specific user, you can call /users/{userId}

Example code:

GET /api/users/2

Example output:

    "data": {
        "id": 2,
        "roleId": 6,
        "localeId": 1,
        "username": "test",
        "password": "$2y$10$SuT6CVqrHsnZbG29kqsVq.DYXhx.JbF4X13bLlkxOb9dl/a4OIQym",
        "encoder": "bcrypt",
        "apiKey": "ohwrzHP70iwUkBdzPEx6iUfSc3sLrHZ7678dy3Ie",
        "sessionId": "",
        "lastLogin": "2017-11-01T10:48:41+0100",
        "name": "asdasd",
        "email": "",
        "active": 1,
        "failedLogins": 0,
        "lockedUntil": "2017-11-01T10:48:41+0100",
        "extendedEditor": false,
        "disabledCache": false,
        "attribute": null
    "success": true

Update a user

If you want to update a user, you can send a PUT request to /users/{userId}

Example code:

PUT /api/users/2
  "username": "test2"

Example output:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 2,
        "location": "http://localhost/shopware/api/users/2"

Create a new user

If you want to create a user, you can send a POST request to /users/

Example code:

POST /api/users
    "roleId": 1,
    "localeId": 1,
    "username": "example",
    "name": "test",
    "email": "",
    "active": 1,
    "extendedEditor": false,
    "disabledCache": false

Note: If you do not pass a password, the API will generate a secure password and send it in the response.

Example output:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 3,
        "location": "http://localhost/shopware/api/users/3",
        "password": "Ar4dETspCp$jk$7"

Delete a user

If you want to update a user, you can send a DELETE request to /users/{userId}

Example code:

DELETE /api/users/2

Example output:

    "success": true

Attention: Due to a safety precaution, the API user who made the API call, can not delete itself.
