REST API - Media resource


In this part of the documentation you can learn more about the API's media resource. With this resource, it is possible to retrieve, create and delete any media of your shop. We will also have a look at the associated data structures.

General information

This resource handles everything related to the media that is stored in your shop. This includes article images, blog images and downloadable files.

This resource supports the following operations:

/api/media Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No


To get information about a specific media, you can simply call the API as shown in this example:

GET http://my-shop-url/api/media/{id}

Return Value

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Media\Media s_media
Field Type Original Object
id integer (primary key)
albumId integer (foreign key)
name string
description string
path string
type string
extension string
userId integer (foreign key)
created date
fileSize integer

GET (List)

To get a list of media, simply call the url without providing any id:

GET http://my-shop-url/api/media
Model Table
Shopware\Models\Media\Media s_media

This API call returns an array of elements, one for each media. Each of these elements has the following structure:

Field Type Original Object
id integer (primary key)
albumId integer (foreign key)
name string
description string
path string
type string
extension string
userId integer (foreign key)
created date
fileSize integer

Appended to the above-mentioned list, you will also find the following data:

Field Type Comment
total integer The total number of media resources
success boolean Indicates if the call was successful or not.

POST (create)

If you wish to add new data to the shop's media collection, simply create an array and send it via POST request to the API.

POST http://my-shop-url/api/media
Model Table
Shopware\Models\Media\Media s_media
Field Type Original Object
album (required) integer (foreign key)
name string Auto generated if not provided
file (required) string Path to the file that should be uploaded
description (required) string
path string Auto generated if not provided
type string Auto generated if not provided
extension string Auto generated if not provided
userId integer (foreign key)
created date Auto generated if not provided
fileSize integer Auto generated if not provided

The most of these values are generated automatically (such as fileSize and created). It is not recommended setting them manually

PUT (update)

As of Shopware 5.3, you can replace a media file by providing a dataURI or link to fetch a resource from.

PUT http://my-shop-url/api/media/{id}

Replace the id with the specific media id.

Field Type Description
file (required) string Path / URL / dataURI


In order to delete a specific media, simply call the following URL using the DELETE operation:

DELETE http://my-shop-url/api/media/{id}

Replace the id with the specific media id.
