REST API - Category resource


In this part of the documentation you can learn more about the API's categories resource. With this resource, it is possible to retrieve, update and delete any category data of your shop. We will also have a look at the associated data structures.

General Information

This resource supports the following operations:

/api/categories Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No

If you want to access this resource, simply query the following URL:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/categories


Required Parameters

Single category details can be retrieved via the category ID:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/categories/id

Return Value

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Category\Category s_categories
Field Type Original Object
id integer (primary key)
parentId integer (foreign key) Category
streamId integer
name string
position integer
metaTitle string
metaKeywords string
metaDescription string
cmsHeadline string
cmsText string
active boolean
template string
productBoxLayout string
blog boolean
path string
showFilterGroups boolean
external string
hideFilter boolean
hideTop boolean
changed DateTime
added DateTime
mediaId integer (foreign key) Media
attribute array
emotions array Media
media Media
customerGroups array
childrenCount integer
articleCount integer
translations object array Translation

GET (List)

For this operation, no parameters are required. To get a list of all categories, simply query:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/categories
Model Table
Shopware\Models\Category\Category s_categories

This API call returns an array of elements, one for each category. Each of these elements has the following structure:

Field Type Original Object
id integer (primary key)
active boolean
name string
position integer
parentId integer (foreign key) Category
childrenCount integer
articleCount integer

Appended to the above mentioned list, you will also find the following data:

Field Type Comment
total integer The total number of category resources
success boolean Indicates if the call was successful or not.

POST (create) and PUT (update)

POST and PUT operations support the following data structure:

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Category\Category s_categories
Field Type Comment Original Object / Database Column
name (required) string
id integer (primary key) If null, a new entity will be created
parentId integer The field parent can be used with the same value as well
position integer
metaTitle string
metaKeywords string
metaDescription string
cmsHeadline string
cmsText string
template string
path string
active boolean
blog boolean
showFilterGroup boolean Only for SW < 5.2
external string
externalTarget string _blank or _parent
hideFilter boolean
facetIds string
hideSortings boolean
hideTop boolean
noViewSelect boolean Only for SW < 5.2
productBoxLayout string extend, basic, minimal, image or list
changed date/time
attribute array Array with optional indexes from 1-6 and its values
media object Array with either mediaId or link property
translations array Array with either shopId link property and fields that should be translated Translation

Example (POST)

  • Creates a new sub category with parent category id 3 and multiple properties
    "name": "My Category",
    "parent": 3,
    "position": 1,
    "metaTitle": "My Category Meta Title",
    "metaKeywords": "my,category,meta,keywords",
    "metaDescription": "My Category Meta Description",
    "cmsHeadline": "The Category",
    "cmsText": "Discover the advantages of an api created category",
    "active": true,
    "blog": false,
    "external": "",
    "externalTarget": "",
    "hideFilter": false,
    "facetIds": "|2|3|",
    "hideSortings": false,
    "sortingIds": "|1|2|",
    "hideTop": true,
    "productBoxLayout": "minimal",
    "changed": "2018-01-01 18:00:00",
    "media": {
        "link": "https://my-image-url/path/to/image.jpg"


To delete a category, simply call the specified resource with the DELETE operation as the following example shows:

  • (DELETE) http://my-shop-url/api/categories/id

Replace the id with the specific category id.
