REST API - Cache resource


In this part of the documentation you can learn more about the API's cache resource. With this resource, it is possible to get information about your current cache status, as well as clear its content. We will also have a look at the associated data structures.

General Information

This resource supports the following operations:

/api/caches Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes

If you want to access this resource, simply query the following URL:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/caches


Required Parameters

Single cache details can be retrieved by using its id:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/caches/id

Return Value

Field Type Comment
dir string The path to this cache directory
size string Including size unit
files integer Amount of files within the cache directory
freeSpace string Free space, including the size unit
name string The name of the cache
backend string
id string The identifier of this cache

GET (List)

For this operation, no parameters are required. To get a list of all caches, simply query:

  • http://my-shop-url/api/caches/

This API call returns an array of elements, one for each cache type. Each of these elements has the following structure:

Field Type Comment
dir string The path to this cache directory
size string Spaced used by this cache's content, including size unit
files integer Number of files within the cache directory
freeSpace string Free space, including the size unit
name string The name of the cache
backend string
id string The identifier of this cache

Appended to the above-mentioned list, you will also find the following data:

Field Type Comment
total integer The number of cache resources
success boolean Indicates if the call was successful or not.


To delete a cache's content, simply call the specified resource with the DELETE operation, as the following example shows:

  • (DELETE) http://my-shop-url/api/caches/id

Replace the id with the specific cache id.

DELETE (Batch)

To delete all caches, simply call

  • (DELETE) http://my-shop-url/api/caches

without providing a cache id. You can also supply a list of caches to be deleted.

DELETE /api/caches
        "id": "opcache"
        "id": "config"
        "id": "http"