From Shopware 5.2.5 we implemented the slugify-Framework. Slugify rewrites special characters like ñ, Ñ, ¿, é or Ó to n,n,-,e or o. If you named your article "tomàtiga de ramellet" the URL will be created like this "tomatiga-de-ramellet". Please note the slash will not be rewritten. That means that the article name „tomàtiga de ramellet / ecológica“ will be rewritten to "tomatiga-de-ramellet/ecologica".
By default, the slugify framework is defined with its default settings.
As part of the implementation in Shopware, you can overwrite the parameters in the dependency injection container by creating a Resources/services.xml
file in your plugin.
<parameter key="shopware.slug.config" type="collection">
<parameter key="regexp">/([^A-Za-z0-9\.]|-)+/</parameter>
<parameter key="lowercase">false</parameter>
You can download an example plugin with this changes here.
Another approach could be to decorate the existing service and implement your own logic using the Shopware\Components\Slug\SlugInterface
You can download an example plugin with this changes here.