Shopware controller

Whenever you want to create your own custom pages, AJAX or API endpoints, you will probably need a controller. Generally speaking, a controller links the model of your application (e.g. the database logic and business logic) with the representation / view of your application (e.g. template). The controller also handles user input - in web application this usually boils down to handle requests and GET or POST params.

Controller and URLs

In Shopware, all requests will be dispatched to the corresponding controller. Internally, any request is mapped to an URL like this: Speaking of controllers, the following parts can be distinguished:

  • - the protocol and domain part
  • frontend - the module
  • listing - the controller
  • index - the action

There are default values for module, controller and action, however. If no module is specified, Shopware will assume the frontend module by default. If no controller is specified, Shopware will check for an index controller. And if no action is specified, Shopware will check for the indexAction. For that reason, the calls "" and "" will be routed to the same controller action.


A module is actually a namespace for a controller. Controllers are automatically registered under PluginDirectory/Controllers/{Frontend|Backend|Api|Widgets} like below:

  • Frontend: Namespace for controllers related to the store front - e.g. cart, account, listing...
  • Widgets: Namespace for widgets, i.e. reusable, cache compatible {action} blocks that will render ESI tags
  • Backend: Namespace for backend controllers, usually protected by the Shopware backend authentication system
  • Api: Namespace for REST API related controllers. Usually protected by the API authentication

Each namespace can be found in engine/Shopware/Controllers/{Frontend|Backend|Api|Widgets}.


A controller is a specific class within one of the controller namespaces (see above). It will usually take care of one specific range of tasks, so Shopware has a controller for the account section, one controller for the listings, one controller for the checkout and so forth. Regarding the MVC principle, a controller will usually not have a lot of logic in it - in web applications, it is usually mapped to a URL one can call in the browser and has access to the input (e.g. GET and POST variables, cookies, session) and output (headers, cookies, session, template).

Depending on the namespace of the controller, it will usually have another class name and another base class:

  • Frontend: class Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_NAME extends Enlight_Controller_Action
  • Backend: class Shopware_Controllers_Backend_NAME extends Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Application
  • Widgets: class Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_NAME extends Enlight_Controller_Action
  • Api: class Shopware_Controllers_Api_NAME extends Shopware_Controllers_Api_Rest

This is not as cumbersome as it might look: Enlight_Controller_Action is the generic base controller, while Shopware_Backend_Application and Shopware_Controllers_Api_Rest add authentication, JSON and input parameter handling.


An action is a method in a controller. In the example above an index action was mentioned. By convention, every controller action must have the suffix Action and must be declared public. For that reason, the method definition for the index action will look like this:

public function indexAction()
    // your code goes here

This makes it easy for you to tell apart public available endpoints from methods that should not be callable by URL.

Plugin controllers

Creating controllers from a plugin is quite easy: Create the controller in the correct directory PluginDirectory/Controllers/{Frontend|Backend|Api|Widgets} and the controller will automatically registered.

For this to work, you must put a file called Test.php in the path Controllers/Frontend of your plugin directory. Shopware will do the rest for you automatically.

The Test.php should look like this:

class Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Test extends Enlight_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()
        die('Hello world');

After (re)installing the plugin, you can call and it should print out the message "Hello World".


If you remove the die('Hello World'); call, Shopware will raise an exception. By default Shopware will automatically try to find a template for your controller. In this case, this template should be called frontend/test/index.tpl. As this template does not exists, yet, an exception is raised. This is easy to fix:

Create the file Resources/views/frontend/test/index.tpl in your plugin and add the following code:

{extends file="parent:frontend/index/index.tpl"}

{block name="frontend_index_content"}
    <h1>Hello World</h1>

Now reload the page again - and the exception should be removed. Instead of that, you should see the default template of Shopware with a "Hello World" message in the main context section.

Relevant controller methods


You can access the Shopware DI container from every controller:


These two lines will return an instance of the DBAL\Connection object (1) and the Shopware template mailer service (2).


The request object will give you access to all kind of request related variables as:

  • get parameters
  • post data
  • path information
  • cookies


The response object will allow you to manipulate the response that will be generated by Shopware for these requests:

  • set cookies
  • set HTTP status code
  • set headers


Will allow you to redirect the request to another controller (action), without actually redirecting the user. Controller forwards will always be handled in the very same request.


Will perform a full HTTP redirect with the corresponding status code.

$this->View()->assign('name', 'value')

Will allow you to assign value to the template variable with the name name. Within the template you are now able to access the variable using {$name}.

Extending Shopware's default controllers

Whenever a Shopware controller is called, it will automatically emit various events, that plugin developers can make use of. The order of the events is the following:

  • Enlight_Controller_Action_PreDispatch
  • Enlight_Controller_Action_PreDispatch_Frontend
  • Enlight_Controller_Action_PreDispatch_Frontend_Index
  • actual call to Shopware_Controllers_Frontend::Index::indexAction
  • Enlight_Controller_Action_PostDispatchSecure_Frontend_Index
  • Enlight_Controller_Action_PostDispatchSecure_Frontend
  • Enlight_Controller_Action_PostDispatchSecure

As you can see, some events are more specific regarding the called module / controller than others. Basically this will allow you to e.g. register to a PreDispatch event, no matter if it is emitted in the frontend, backend, api or widget module. In the same way, you can register to all PreDispatch events in the frontend module using the Enlight_Controller_Action_PreDispatch_Frontend event. The same applies to the PostDispatchSecure events.

In the callback method of your event, you have complete access to the original controller, so that you can e.g. modify the view or some input parameters:

Add the subscriber to the services.xml

    <service id="swag_extend_listing.subscriber.templates" class="SwagExtendListing\Subscriber\ExtendListing">
        <tag name="shopware.event_subscriber"/>

Create the subscriber *.php file


namespace SwagExtendListing\Subscriber;

use Enlight\Event\SubscriberInterface;

class ExtendListing implements SubscriberInterface 
     *  The install method of your plugin base file
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'Enlight_Controller_Action_PostDispatchSecure_Listing_Index' => 'onListingIndex'

     * Event callback for the event registered above
    public function onListingIndex(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
        /** @var $controller \Enlight_Controller_Action */
        $controller = $args->getSubject();
        $request = $controller->Request();
        $view = $controller->View();
        $response = $controller->Response();

        // DO SOMETHING

Since Shopware 5.6 it is also possible to extend or exchange Shopware controllers over the DI container. You can find a example for decorating a service here.

In addition to that, you can also extend public and protected methods in any controller using the Shopware hook system.

Controllers and caching

Shopware's HTTP cache works with a controller whitelist. Only the controllers whitelisted in the performance backend module will be cached, so that will usually be the place where you configure your controller cache times. In case of plugin controllers, the controllers won't be cached unless you add them to that whitelist.

Controller whitelist

Also keep in mind that the cache uses the URL of a page to figure out if the page is already cached or not. So the both URLs and will (of course) be handled as two separate pages for the HTTP cache. Additional in detail information about the HTTP cache can be found here.


Technical controller URLs like are, in most cases, not what you want to have. For that reason, Shopware supports the definition of custom SEO URLs.


You can find a simple controller plugin example here.
