For three days, from 20th to 22nd June 2018 Shopware will host an awesome event that is all about AngularJS.
During these three days, you'll build a real-world Angular application, learning everything you need to call yourself an angular master! It's fun, and if you plan to do something with angular anytime soon, you definitely should join.
What will you learn?
- Components and Modules
- Fetching data using Http
- Advanced Dependency Injection
- Basic Forms
- Observables deep-dive
- Architectural patterns
- Component communication
- ContentChildren and ViewChildren
- ngrx
More information about the event can be found on the thoughtram website and blog. Do yourself a favour, check it out!
...ok, if you've made it so far, you probably want to attend the event.
Tickets can be bought via eventbrite - and you get 15% off!
Just enter the promitional code ANGULAR_SHOPWARE
when ordering your ticket via eventbrite:
Be quick - while I'm writing this, only 4 tickets are left!