Information exchange with other developers is a vital part of a developer's life. Exactly for this reason, we are always happy to support different developer events that take place throughout the world.
Last week we made our way to Jena, Germany, where developers from the eCommerce scene met from Thursday to Saturday for the eCommerce Camp. Through an array of interesting lectures, participants brought themselves up-to-speed in terms of the latest eCommerce technology.
The 4th eCommerce Camp
Organized by “Tritum” and Shopware partner “marmalade”, the event is now in its fourth year running.
The purpose of the event is to gather developers and integrators of shop systems such as Shopware, Magento or PrestaShop.
In the style of a typical barcamp, participants are given a platform to informally exchange knowledge and experiences.
Both with and by participants, lectures, presentations, workshops and discussions are main staples of the extensive program.
This year, we also contributed to the program with a lecture. Shopware’s session, titled “Searching for articles – a refactoring story”, provided those interested with an exciting summary about the refactoring of product search and product filtering in Shopware 5. Those who weren’t able to attend the eCommerce Camp still have the opportunity to hear the lecture at the upcoming code.talks in Berlin.
Similar to previous years, the eCommerce Camp was a well-run and very positive event. For us, it was a given that we would support the 2016 event as a Gold and coffee sponsor. There was an all-around great atmosphere, the topics were diverse and there were lively discussions amongst the 200 participants over days. We look forward to the next year in Jena.