Build the Future

Welcome nerds and geeks to the new awesome shopware labs. I want to use this first blog post to introduce myself to you. Most people call me Phil and I work as a frontend developer here at shopware. As a part of the web-development team I create all the fancy stuff you use in your browser. I have a passion for “wicked alien-technology” and I love to explore all the crazy upcoming web features. So it is my pleasure to take you on a journey into the future of online shopping. Together with you we want to discuss innovative ideas for building kick-ass technologies which will change the way we use the web. That is also one reason why we founded the shopware Open Device Lab.

The shopware ODL

n the Open Device Lab we don’t just wanted to gather a collection of different mobile devices. It was clear from the beginning that we want to explore new inventions which offer whole new opportunities. So in our Device Lab you can find devices like the popular Oculus VR or the Leap Motion Controller, but also some even more exotic devices like the Muse headband which can track your brain senses. We’re also supporting several projects on to always provide you with the latest innovations. The Open Device Lab is open for everyone. You are invited to visit us at any time to test your applications. Just get in contact with our team to learn more about using the Device Lab.

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As you can see we are not just focusing on the traditional way of browsing the web. We believe that new technologies like augmented- or even virtual reality will change the way we explore the world around us. In the upcoming blog series we want to introduce to you our devices and projects, so that you have all the interesting information to build great ideas on top of it. Stay tuned for new blog posts!

If you want to get in touch with me to discuss new ideas, feel free to add me in the social network of your choice.

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Greetings, Phil

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