REST API - Variants resource


In this part of the documentation, you can learn more about the API's variants resource. With this resource, it's possible to retrieve, delete and update any variant in your shops. We will also have a look at the associated data structures.

General Information

This resource supports the following operations:

/api/variants No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

If you want to access this resource, simply query the following URL

  • http://my-shop-url/api/variants


You can retrieve the variants data by providing the specific id

  • http://my-shop-url/api/variants/id

Required Parameters

Identifier Parameter Database Column Example call
Detail id id /api/variants/2
Detail number number s_articles_details.ordernumber /api/variants/SW10003?useNumberAsId=true

Option parameters can be provided: * considerTaxInput: By default, all returned prices are net values. If the boolean considerTaxInput is set to true, gross values will be returned instead.

Return Value

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Article\Detail s_articles_details
Field Type Original object
id integer (primary key)
articleId integer (foreign key) Article
unitId integer (foreign key)
number string
supplierNumber string
kind integer
additionalText string
active boolean
inStock integer
stockMin integer
weight string
len string
height string
ean string
position integer
minPurchase integer
purchaseSteps integer
maxPurchase integer
purchaseUnit string
shippingFree boolean
releaseDate date/time
shippingTime string
prices array Price
attribute object Attribute
configuratorOptions array ConfiguratorOptions

POST (create)

To post a variant, you need to provide the data as shown below:


You can use this data to add a new variant to the shop

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Article\Detail s_articles_details
Field Type Original object
id integer (primary key)
articleId integer (foreign key) Article
unitId integer (foreign key)
number string
supplierNumber string
kind integer
additionalText string
active boolean
inStock integer
stockMin integer
weight string
len string
height string
ean string
position integer
minPurchase integer
purchaseSteps integer
maxPurchase integer
purchaseUnit string
shippingFree boolean
releaseDate date/time
shippingTime string
prices array Price
attribute object Attribute
configuratorOptions array ConfiguratorOptions

You can post or put data by sending the following data to this URL:

  • (POST or PUT) http://my-shop-url/api/variants/id

PUT (update)

To put data to a variant, simply provide one of the following parameters to identify it:

Identifier Parameter Database Column Example Call
Detail Id id /api/variants/2
Detail number number s_articles_details.ordernumber /api/variants/SW10003?useNumberAsId=true

The data is the same as shown in the POST operation.

You can use this data to update a variant.

Model Table
Shopware\Models\Article\Detail s_articles_details
Field Type Original object
id integer (primary key)
articleId integer (foreign key) Article
unitId integer (foreign key)
number string
supplierNumber string
kind integer
additionalText string
active boolean
inStock integer
stockMin integer
weight string
len string
height string
ean string
position integer
minPurchase integer
purchaseSteps integer
maxPurchase integer
purchaseUnit string
shippingFree boolean
releaseDate date/time
shippingTime string
prices array Price
attribute object Attribute
configuratorOptions array ConfiguratorOptions


To delete a variant, simply provide one of the following parameters to identify it:

Identifier Parameter Database Column Example Call
Detail Id id /api/variants/2
Detail number number s_articles_details.ordernumber /api/variants/SW10003?useNumberAsId=true

DELETE (Stack)

In order to delete more than one variant at once, it's possible to provide an array of ids to the REST API. Simply pass the array of article ids to the following URL (example)

  • [DELETE] http://my-shop-url/variants/

without providing an id as seen in the single DELETE request. As data provide the array of ids you wish to delete.

PUT (update) (Stack)

Updating many articles at once requires an array of variant data being provided to the following URL using the PUT request (example):

  • [PUT] http://my-shop-url/variants/

Simply provide the same data as described in the "create! statement.
